The Ultimate Sony Zeiss Street and Travel Photography Kit

The Ultimate Sony Zeiss Street and Travel Photography Kit Street and Travel Photography Kit Small Enough To Pack In A Shoulder Bag Street and Travel Photography Kit {all title links are below are clickable} The Ultimate Sony Zeiss Street and Travel Photography Kit: I’ve always wanted to own a Leica setup. I love the fact that […]
Using Zeiss M-Mount Leica Lenses for Real Estate Photography First Thoughts
Using Zeiss M-Mount Leica Lenses for Real Estate Photography First Thoughts New Tech Tuns Zeiss Manual Focusing Leica Glass Into Fast Autofocusing Lenses Each year during late February, I head to Las Vegas for the annual WPPI convention. It’s a great place to meet up with industry friends and family. Another aspect I like about attending […]
Why I Switched from Profoto To Godox
Why I Switched from Profoto to Godox Godox’s Broad Range of Lighting Tools Covers Everything from Li Powered Speedlights to 600 w/s Portable Strobes Godox Review: It was time to upgrade my entire lighting system. My Profoto Compact heads {in perfect working condition} we coming up on their 10th anniversary. In my Profoto arsenal, I […]
Sony Adapted Lens News: Canon Announces Three New Tilt Shifts: 50-mm, 90-mm, TS-E 135-mm, Macro Lenses If you are a commercial real estate and luxury real estate photographer [like me] or a product photographer you know the power of top notch Tilt Shift lenses. Canon’s new offerings are below and available for Pre-Order. Canon TS-E […]
Marc Weisberg Joins The Sirui Family as a Sirui Ambassador
Marc Weisberg Joins The Sirui Family as a Sirui Ambassador Sirui Manufactures Camera Tripods, Monopods, and Tripod – Monopod & Video Heads and Peripheral Camera Gear “I’m delighted to announce my partnership with Sirui as a Sirui Ambassador.” ~Mw WHO IS SIRUI {pronounced SUE-RAY} SIRUI manufactures a full range of professional photographic and video support equipment, creating a […]
Think Tank Speed Racer v2.0 Review
My Favorite Thank Tank Shoulder Bag Think Tank Speed Racer v2.0 Review The Think Tank Speed Racer 2.0 blurs the line between a shoulder bag and a really sophisticated waist belt pack. To be clear I use it as my go to shoulder bag on my luxury real estate and architectural shoots. I don’t use […]
Introducing Sony Imaging PRO Support
Introducing Sony Imaging PRO Support Sony Imaging just Launched their PRO Support program Just received a FedEx box in the mail the containing a fancy black folder-box with the brand new Sony Imaging PRO Support info. If your a professional photographer, you’re working with you gear daily. If and when it needs to be fixed, […]
The Color Checker Passport Is Your Friend
The Color Checker Passport Is Your Friend Never Leave Home Without It Accurate colors when photographing high end, luxury real estate and luxury architecture is critical. Accurate skin tones and accurate color is a must when photographing executive portraits and headshots. To ensure accurate skin tones and material and design color I always take my […]